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What Are Hybrid Solar Panels? 5 Surprised Benefits When Using

What are hybrid solar panels? You can simply understand a renewable energy system tied to the grids and battery storage. 

Unlike the on-grid and off-grid solar energy systems, the hybrid solar panels are optional on cloudy days. They produce energy throughout the day and store excess energy for use at night.

It must be admitted that these are efficient and reliable systems that bring homeowners smart investments in solar energy.

Hybrid solar panels

Hybrid solar panels

What Are Hybrid Solar Panels? 

Hybrid solar panels are the optimal combination of photovoltaic and thermal technologies only with a single module. Previously, thermal and photovoltaic panels were installed separately; until the appearance of the hybrid solar panel, they could simultaneously generate electricity and heat.

Main Components

Mentioning the elements of the hybrid solar system, we cannot ignore these four components:

  1. Solar panel: Solar energy cannot be converted into DC electricity if it lacks solar panels, which are key components of the hybrid solar system.
  2. Hybrid Inverter: Another key part of a solar system is the hybrid inverter, whose function is to regulate the voltage and convert DC to AC  voltage. Thanks to that, your household appliances receive the power.
  3. Direct current delivery box: It is abbreviated as DCDB, including an SPD, MCB, and fuse to ensure safety. This component connects a variety of solar panel wires into a joint with negative and positive outputs.
  4. Charging Controller: By controlling the power quantity inside the battery, this component contributes to enhancing the battery life.

Install hybrid solar system for your home

Install hybrid solar system for your home

The hybrid solar power system is based on a hybrid inverter, which manages PV panels and batteries at the same time. 

Particularly, it will convert the DC output from the battery system or solar panels to AC electricity for use in household appliances while the battery charging cycle of the system is managed. It is noticeable that synchronizing with your local power grid voltage is ideal for the operation in grid-tied mode.

We can utilize the hybrid system’s battery once the grid is connected, allowing that energy to be used in the evening when the battery is charged all day.

4 Benefits of A Hybrid Solar System 

Households prioritize setting up hybrid solar energy panels because of their optimal features:

  • Uninterrupted Power Supply

When using hybrid solar panels, all electrical appliances in your home will be delivered with continuous power. Even in case of power outages, the backup power stored in the batteries will provide power without interruption.

  • Cost-Optimization

Instead of paying for fuel with a generator and the systems with frequent maintenance requirements, you only pay once because the hybrid solar system doesn’t need to be maintained regularly. 

In addition, this system operates like a 24/7 electric supply, ensuring your house’s energy consumption all day. This means that your electricity bill will decrease significantly.

  • Scalability And  Flexibility

Like a backup energy source, the hybrid system features a sized battery bank, allowing for the meeting of important load requirements. So, it will likely offer the power for your essential loads, including lights, refrigerators, computers, medical equipment, TVs, and more. 

  • Environment-Friendly

This is one of the practical reasons for solar panels’ preference, as households are trying to minimize their carbon footprint. It is noticeable that the hybrid solar ones also bring the same contributions.

Pros and cons when setting up a hybrid solar system

Pros and cons when setting up a hybrid solar system

What to Pay Attention When Using a Hybrid Solar System 

If you determine to set up hybrid solar panels, some disadvantages that you must know:

  • Complex Control: Many various energy sources are utilized, so users need to know something about these systems. 
  • Expensive Costs: With solar panels, a battery, and a hybrid inverter, the initial investment cost for the hybrid system is higher than the traditional solar one, up to $16,000 for buying and installing. After each 10 years, you will have to change the batteries once, which takes your budget about $8,000 on average.
  • Short Battery Life: Before installing the hybrid solar panels, it’s best to choose the appropriate location because exposure to rain, heat, and cold often will make the battery life shorter.


Is A Hybrid Solar System Good For Using?

Yes. Once you do grid-tied hybrid setups, they also include solar battery storage. This allows you to optimize the maximum consumption of the generating-panel power.

Can We Run AC On A Hybrid Solar System?

The answer is “yes”. In addition to off-grid with the distinguished DC-powered units, you can also choose to utilize on-grid, connecting to the regular AC.

How Many Solar Panels Does It Take To Charge A Plug-In Hybrid?

The power output of solar panels today ranges from about 400 watts, so you are going to need at least six solar panels. After considering a series of essential factors, the numbers can change between 7 and 12 solar panels.

Is A Hybrid More Optimal Than Electric?

For the areas that often experience power outages, a hybrid solar system could be a better choice. Or simply, your need is a renewable, independent energy source. In this case, the hybrid system would be ideal.

Final Thought

What are hybrid solar panels? We believe that you’ve found the answer. This is a great system for those who want to use solar power to reduce the electricity bill and maintain the energy throughout a power outage. 

If you want to install the hybrid system, you’d better find a dependable installer. Furthermore, let’s choose an appropriate position to ensure the system’s battery life. Take care!








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